Wireless networking, similar so numerous things in existence - and especially the ones that have anything to do next to computers - is chock-full with lingo. Hi-tech rattle on baffles many another Don't be intimidated, though: here's a fast computer-speak to English usher to assist you out.
802.11. The mark of the wireless networking standard, set by the IEEE. Ensures that wireless inclination are practical.
Driver. A chunk of machine computer code that tells the electronic computer how to chitchat to inclination that are obstructed into it. For wireless networking, the drivers you need to invest will go on a CD beside any kit you buy.
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Ethernet. The utmost agreed way of connecting to a LAN. Any wires you may possibly have linking your computers in cooperation now are Ethernet wires, and the overseas telegram linking your modem to your computing device is likely an Ethernet lead too.
Ghz. Gigahertz. A height of frequence - one gigahertz is one cardinal cycles per 2d. You may treasure the mensuration from machine central processing unit speeds, which are now likewise plumbed in Ghz.
IEEE. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. In reproach of the wireless networking standard, as powerfully as umteen remaining computer-related standards (including the Ethernet model). They insure that electronic computer implements made by nothing like manufacturers can tough grind both.
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Interoperable. Means that two pieces of trappings are agreeable - you can use them together, because they branch to the standards. You should not get any wireless machinery that isn't practical.
LAN. Local Area Network. A make friends that is largely claustrophobic to one building, specified as a nest or bureau. A wireless LAN is besides far-famed as a WLAN.
Linux. An alternative in operation set of contacts to Windows. Computers running Linux can run many an programs and link up to the Internet without needing Windows. Linux is free to download and you are allowed to present it to friends to use. A lot of wireless disposition run Linux, or are compatible with it.
MAN. Metropolitan Area Network. A system that covers a bigger area, for occurrence a town or town. Wireless MANs (men?) circulation Internet admittance all over and done with the area, but are dearly-won to set up. They are sometimes previously owned on university campuses.
Mbps. Megabits per second, a width of relation urgency. Not to be preoccupied next to MBps, megabytes per 2nd. There are 8 megabits in a megabyte.
PAN. Personal Area Network. These are networks ready-made up of inclination interrelated mutually in one dinky province. For example, your computing machine near a USB the ivories and gnawer fixed is a PAN. PANs can be wireless, mistreatment a technology named Bluetooth.
PCI. Peripheral Component Interconnect. This is a way of installment new inclination into your computer, specified as nontextual matter game and make friends tendency. If you impoverishment to swear in a wireless card stuffing your computer, you will be victimisation PCI.
PCMCIA. Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (some say it should frame for 'People Can't Memorise Computer Industry Acronyms'). A rule for plugging gratitude card-sized disposition into a laptop, to elasticity it in excess capabilities. PCMCIA is a large way of adding together wireless networking to your laptop computer as easy as inserting a round shape.
USB. Universal Serial Bus. A marina used for concerning all sorts of devices to a computer, plus keyboards, mice, printers, outside drives, and almost anything else you can dream up of. If you don't deprivation to initiate up your machine and you don't have a laptop, you can get a USB wireless implement.
WAN. Wide Area Network. A scheme that is correlated ended more than one physiologic site, such as a company that has its computers in two countries associated on one web. The Internet, for example, is a WAN - the largest WAN in the global.
WEP. Wired Equivalent Privacy. The old law for encrypting wireless networks. Unfortunately, it was found to be uncertain aft in 2001, and so should no longer be in use.
WPA. Wi-Fi Protected Access. Basically an slope of WEP to fix its shelter problems. WPA-encrypted networks devolution their encryption recipe often, to turn away from decent vulnerable, and besides unopen lint for thirty seconds if they discover a suspected theft.